The Top 10 Electrical Safety Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

May 21, 2024

Electrical safety is a crucial aspect of maintaining a safe home environment. Whether you are a new homeowner or have been living in your house for years, it is essential to be aware of the potential electrical hazards and take necessary precautions to prevent accidents. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 10 electrical safety tips that every homeowner should know.

1. Hire a Licensed Electrician for Repairs andations

When it comes to electrical repairs or installations, it is always recommended to hire a licensed electrician They have the expertise and knowledge to handle electrical work safely and efficiently. Attempting to do it yourself can lead to serious injuries or even cause electrical fires.

Close-up electrician measures voltage with multimeter in electrical cabinet. An electrician is checking the voltage in an electric box.

2. Avoid Overloading Electrical Outlets

common mistake many homeowners make is overloading electrical outlets. Plugging too many devices into a single outlet can cause overheating and potentially lead to electrical fires. Be mindful of the wattage limits and use power strips or surge protectors to distribute the load.

Electricity Overload

3. Keep Water Away from Electrical Appliances

Water and electricity do not mix well. To prevent electric shocks or electrocution, ensure that your hands are when handling electrical appliances. Additionally, keep liquids away from electrical devices, especially in the kitchen and bathroom areas.

water and electricity

4. Regularly Inspect Cords and Plugs

Inspecting cords and plugs is essential to identify any of wear and tear. Frayed wires or damaged plugs can be hazardous and increase the risk of electrical accidents. Replace damaged cords or plugs immediately to avoid any potential issues.

Close-up of a modern electric extension cord on the bed or sofa

5. Using Residual Current Devices (RCDs) to Enhance Electrical Safety

Residual Current Devices (RCDs) are crucial safety mechanisms designed to protect against electrical shocks by cutting off the power when they detect an imbalance in the electrical current. This imbalance, often caused by a ground fault, indicates that electricity may be escaping the intended circuit and could potentially cause harm to individuals or start a fire. 

In New Zealand, the installation of RCDs is a legal requirement in new constructions and major renovations, particularly in specified areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

blue and silver studded accessory

6. Be Cautious with Extension Cords

While extension cords can convenient, they should not be used as a permanent solution. Avoid running extension cords under carpets or rugs, as they can overheat and cause a fire. If you require additional outlets, consult a licensed electrician to install them safely.

Electric extension prong and reel

7. Unplug Appliances When Not in Use

When appliances are not in use, it is best to unplug them. Not only does this reduce the risk of electrical accidents, it also helps save energy. Make it a habit to unplug devices like toasters, coffee makers, and phone chargers when they are not actively being used.

white and brown wooden kitchen cabinet

8. Keep Flammable Materials Away from Electrical Sources

Flammable materials such as curtains, rugs, and should be kept away from electrical sources. If these materials come into contact with heat generated by electrical devices, it can lead to a fire. Maintain a safe distance between flammable items and electrical outlets or appliances.


Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are crucial safety devices that home should have. Install smoke detectors on every level of your home, especially near bedrooms. Additionally, keep fire extinguishers in easily accessible areas and ensure that they regularly inspected and maintained.

10. Educate Your Family about Electrical Safety

family learning about electrical safety

Lastly, it is essential educate your family members about electrical safety. Teach them about the potential dangers of electricity, how to use electrical devices properly, and what to do in case of an emergency. By promoting awareness and knowledge, you can create a safer living environment for everyone.

Following these top 10 electrical safety tips can significantly reduce the risk of electrical accidents in home. Remember, when in doubt, always consult a licensed electrician for any electrical concerns or repairs. Stay safe and enjoy a worry-free home!